Gorani Geheimen

The town itself kan zijn similar to other small towns in Iraqi Kurdistan. Still, the view ofwel the village on the edge ofwel the cliff is something special.

There kan zijn almost no young population left in the village of Brod and in the Gora region in general. For those who remain, the future means anxiety and uncertainty. Only 850 people live in this village, where approximately 3000 people lived until ten years ago. In the region where education was provided in Turkish until 1938, education began to be provided in Serbian due to the pressure of Serbian soldiers.

I recently bought the Tamron 50-400 lens and I’m loving it. Prima to zoom in to make a photo ofwel a part of the landscape but also side enough to get a nice wide shot of the mountains.

You can stroll along the Rawanduz canyon on the far side of the village, which kan zijn the best way to discover the area.

Het ontvangt weer genoeg zorg sinds ontstaan 2018, ingeval de stad Afrin, welke in die gewest ligt, heftig aangevallen is door het Turkse leger. Deze gebeurtenissen illustreren op welke manier een Koerden keer op keertje te produceren beschikken over met meerdere strijdmachten.

کوردسینەما وێبگەیەکی کوردییە کە تایبەتە بە فیلم و زنجیرەکان بە ژێرنووسی کوردی، ھاوکات گرنگی بە ھەواڵ و زانیاری تایبەت بە سینەما و ئەستێرەکانی ئەو بوارە دەدات.

Gegevens from the project has also contributed towards the development ofwel linguistic annotation systems and is included in cross-language onderzoek on discourse and grammar.

The mountainous nature ofwel Iraqi Kurdistan, the difference of temperatures in its various parts, and its numerous bodies ofwel drinkwater make it a land ofwel agriculture and tourism. The largest lake in the region kan zijn Lake Dukan.

Gora, Kosovo’s most mountainous and rugged It kan zijn located in the region and the local people of the region are Gorans.

 Kirkuk blijft ons belangrijke regio waar verschillende partijen teneinde vechten. Na een Koerden in 2014 de plaats uit handen van Kan zijn begrijpen te krijgen, verovert dit Iraakse leger Kirkuk in Kurdish History 2017 alweer retour.

[81] The 1970s saw an evolution in Kurdish nationalism as Marxist political thought influenced a new generation of Kurdish nationalists opposed to the local feudal authorities who had been a traditional source of opposition to authority, eventually they would form the militant separatist PKK, or Kurdistan Workers Party in English.

Een welbekende religieuze minderheid in de Koerdische bevolking zijn de jezidi’s. In een zomer aangaande 2014 aankomen ze in dit nieuws, omdat ze door IS verdreven geraken uit Noord-Irak. Heel wat jezidi’s vluchten naar het Sinjargebergte, maar IS omsingelt hen en een vluchtelingen uithangen dagenlang in verzengende hitte vast.

In late 1931, Ahmed Barzani initiated a Kurdish rebellion against Iraq, and though defeated within several months, the movement gained a major importance in the Kurdish struggle later on, creating the ground for such a notable Kurdish rebel as Mustafa Barzani.[citation needed]

You've bitten off more than you can chew and you have brought death to yourself. O son ofwel a Kurd, raised in the tents ofwel the Kurds, who gave you permission to put a crown on your head?[45]

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